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Leahs final acting gig appears to have been on an episode of "Boston Legal", and she is now working as a realtor in Beverly Hills.
A brand new gallery - the cunningly named Gallery 7, now with more images!
Miscellaneous section updated with magazine news
Career updates - some more old TV guest shots
The Guestbook has been closed due to the racist, sexist and abusive comments being left, especially by one who calls himself grecotall and may be an account holder of aol.com. It is sad when someone so small minded causes rational people to take such measures, but that is the unfortunate world we live in.
Career updates - including 2002 TV guest shots
Career updates - including Leahs 1st TV appearance?
New images in Gallery 6
Web appearances and a chance to win a guitar autographed by Leah!
VIP - new UK air dates

Welcome to Leah Lail Online